19Mati91 has reached 707 followers(707) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „Witam was serdecznie na moim kanale najbardziej lubię symulatory jak ETS2 czy ATS ale rówież spotkasz tu inne gry i jestem otwarty na każdą grę :3“ and does not belong to any team.
Updated February 1, 2025.
Language: Polski (Polish) Twitch Status: Affiliate Account created: 2 years, 10 months ago (March 19, 2022)
All my social links:Links Last seen streaming: 19 minutes, 10 seconds ago
Live Screenshots from Twitch Stream
LiveNext N/A
Stream Today
Views: 200
Stream Uptime: 8.5 hours
Game: Minecraft
Stream Title: Pierwszy Tym Roku Stream Plus Rzuciłem Papierosy To Sukces :3
Stream started: 2025-02-01T18:33:27Z
Total Bans: 1
Recent Activity
2025-01-31 profile pic changed 2024-12-27 profile pic changed 2024-09-20 changed his twitch name from MuniekEZG 2024-03-04 profile pic changed 2023-01-11 changed his twitch name from MuniekEZGG 2022-12-17 profile pic changed 2022-09-30
2 days banned 2022-09-28
[banned due to copyright violations] 2022-06-08 offline pic changed
The Stream Anniversary refers to the date on which a streamer became an affiliate on Twitch. This milestone represents a significant achievement for the streamer, as it grants them access to various monetization and growth opportunities on the platform. The time may vary depending on the time zone. Our time represents the Coordinated Universal Time (+0), the date in this case may differ by +/- 1 day depending on the streamers timezone.