Streamer Profile

Kammeicamey is a chinese speaking, Twitch Partner Partner. ZH

錦美 has reached 39.2 k followers (39,229) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „(2021/08/07重新直播)沒有任何電玩遊戲經驗的女生... 正式登錄Twitch去雷一下所有跟我玩的人XD 一起來看看我怎用我零的經驗值去打天下吧.\ /. (星期一 三 六日晚上7-8pm開台(有時候更早喔 記得follow~~~) 星期五 (剪片日))工商聯繫“ and does not belong to any team.
Updated January 30, 2025.
Twitch Ranking Leaderboard (Worldwide){1}
9,408 past 90 days
Language: ZH 中文 (Chinese)
Twitch Status: Partner Partner
Account created: 4 years, 7 months ago (June 5, 2020)
Account anniversary in 123 days

Streaming Anniversary: June 16, 2020
  • Affili
  • affiliated
Affili 5 year anniversary in 135 days

Partner Anniversary: July 14, 2023
  • verified partnered badge
  • verified
verified partnered badge 2 year anniversary in 163 days

All my social links: Links
Last seen streaming: 4 weeks, 2 days ago

Total Bans: 8

Recent Activity

2024-12-04 Unbanned
2 days banned
2024-12-02 Banned
[temporary banned]
2024-11-01 profile pic changed
2024-10-22 Unbanned
3 days banned
2024-10-20 Banned
[banned for an indefinite period]
2024-10-18 profile pic changed
2024-10-06 Language changed from 粵語 (Cantonese) ZH-HK
2024-06-21 Unbanned
1 day banned
2024-06-20 Banned
[banned for an indefinite period]
2024-06-11 Unbanned
1 day banned
2024-06-10 Banned
[temporary banned]
2024-05-01 Unbanned
1 day banned
2024-04-30 Banned
[temporary banned]
2024-04-05 Unbanned
4 days banned
2024-04-02 Banned
[temporary banned]
2024-01-30 Unbanned
1 day banned
2024-01-29 Banned
[temporary banned]
2023-08-06 profile pic changed
2023-07-14 has become a Twitch partner
2023-07-14 is no longer a Twitch affiliate
2023-07-14 has become a Twitch partner
2023-07-14 is no longer a Twitch affiliate
2023-03-26 profile pic changed
2023-02-14 Unbanned
1 day banned
2023-02-13 Banned
[banned for an indefinite period]


IG (instagram): @kammei.c

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Legend — Explanation of symbols


The rank is based on viewer data from all streamers who were online during the time period and who meet the criteria for the ranking. The list spans from 1 to 200,000 and is updated daily.


The Stream Anniversary refers to the date on which a streamer became an affiliate on Twitch. This milestone represents a significant achievement for the streamer, as it grants them access to various monetization and growth opportunities on the platform. The time may vary depending on the time zone. Our time represents the Coordinated Universal Time (+0), the date in this case may differ by +/- 1 day depending on the streamers timezone.


Twitch Partner Anniversary Date. Partnered at Times UTC+0