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orangeben0305千本橘_ (orangeben0305) Visit on Twitch (ttv)

Streamer Profile

Orangeben0305 is a chinese speaking, Twitch Affiliate Affiliate. ZH

千本橘_ has reached 686 followers (686) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „歡迎來看台, 主播喜歡跟大家聊天, 以下為台規:1) 主播還沒有求救之前, 請勿下指導棋 2) 請勿無意義發言, 因為會被MOD禁言!“ and does not belong to any team.
Updated December 19, 2024.
Language: ZH 中文 (Chinese)
Twitch Status: Affiliate Affiliate
Account created: 7 years, 4 months ago (August 19, 2017)
Account anniversary in 242 days

Streaming Anniversary: March 27, 2019
  • Affili
  • affiliated
Affili 6 year anniversary in 98 days

All my social links: Links
Last seen streaming: 3 months, 1 week ago

Total Bans: 1

Recent Activity

2024-05-10 offline pic changed
2024-05-10 profile pic changed
2024-05-10 changed his twitch name from 遊戲吃播
2024-05-10 changed his twitch login name from gameating
2024-01-12 offline pic changed
2023-12-18 profile pic changed
2023-12-18 changed his twitch name from 佛系主播_愛力克
2023-12-18 changed his twitch login name from 54alic
2023-09-12 changed his twitch name from 愛力克
2023-02-21 changed his twitch name from 小爱同学
2022-12-07 changed his twitch name from 小愛力克
2022-11-23 Unbanned
1 day banned
2022-11-23 Banned
[temporary banned]
2022-10-03 changed his twitch name from 小愛愛力克


IG (instagram): @54_alic

Find similar streamer names like 千本橘_

Legend — Explanation of symbols


The Stream Anniversary refers to the date on which a streamer became an affiliate on Twitch. This milestone represents a significant achievement for the streamer, as it grants them access to various monetization and growth opportunities on the platform. The time may vary depending on the time zone. Our time represents the Coordinated Universal Time (+0), the date in this case may differ by +/- 1 day depending on the streamers timezone.

Stream Offline Image

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