Tori_gamer_py is a spanish speaking, Twitch Partner .
Tori_Gamer_Py has reached 21 k followers(21,004) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „BIENVENIDOS A TODOS, DIRECTO TODOS LOS DÍAS DESDE LAS 21:00 HORA, QUE LA DIVERSIÓN Y LAS RISAS NUNCA FALTEN ♥️“ and does not belong to any team.
Language: Español (Spanish) Twitch Status: Partner Account created: 3 years, 4 months ago (September 28, 2021)
Account anniversary in 237 days
Streaming Anniversary: All my social links:Links Last seen streaming: 1 hour, 35 minutes ago
Live Screenshots from Twitch Stream
LiveNext N/A
Stream Today
Views: 1108
Stream Uptime: 3.83 hours
Game: Grand Theft Auto V
Stream Title: Academia con john mCclane en Geolife +18 SUR @Tori_Gamer_Py ❗redes ❗comurp ❗familiarp ❗raid
Stream started: 2025-02-01T23:55:23Z
Total Bans: 1
Recent Activity
2024-09-27 profile pic changed 2024-09-27 has become a Twitch partner 2024-09-27 is no longer a Twitch affiliate 2024-03-30
2 days banned 2024-03-28
[banned for an indefinite period] 2023-03-03 profile pic changed 2023-01-20 profile pic changed 2022-07-14 profile pic changed
The rank is based on viewer data from all streamers who were online during the time period and who meet the criteria for the ranking. The list spans from 1 to 200,000 and is updated daily.