Streamer Profile

Asatsuni is a russian speaking, Twitch Affiliate Affiliate. RU

ASAtsuni has reached 770 followers (770) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „Привет, меня зовут Екатерина, но все зовут меня Атсасуни KEKL Играю в League of Legends на топе и в лесу по гайдам Генерала через team diff ff 15 dogs! “ and does not belong to any team.
Updated December 19, 2024.
Language: RU Русский (Russian)
Twitch Status: Affiliate Affiliate
Account created: 7 years, 3 weeks ago (November 27, 2017)
Account anniversary in 342 days

Streaming Anniversary:
All my social links: Links
Last seen streaming: 6 months, 1 week ago

Total Bans: 2

Recent Activity

2024-05-11 Unbanned
190 days banned
2023-11-03 Banned
[banned for an indefinite period]
2023-05-27 Unbanned
7 days banned
2023-05-20 Banned
[temporary banned]
2023-04-20 is now Twitch Affiliate


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