Fennir_tv is a french speaking, Twitch Affiliate .
FENNIR_tv has reached 1 k followers(1,045) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „🔴Hey !Moi c'est FENN, j'suis vieux: j'ai 24 ans, animateur hors pair et de la motivation du feu de dieu, des nouveaux concepts et c'est reparti pour des moments inoubliable vous et moi. 😎 Rejoins notre armée d'hommes gentils et drôles !N'hésites pas à me follow pour ne pas rater mes lives. :)“ and does not belong to any team.
The rank is based on viewer data from all streamers who were online during the time period and who meet the criteria for the ranking. The list spans from 1 to 200,000 and is updated daily.