Streamer Profile

Osgarbelotto is a portuguese speaking, Twitch Affiliate Affiliate. PT

OsGarbelotto has reached 837 followers (837) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „Fala beleza, somos um casal que ama jogar e se divertir com jogos e principalmente em streaming 😜Faça parte da nossa família 😎“ and does not belong to any team.
Updated February 2, 2025.
Twitch Ranking Leaderboard (Worldwide){1}
143,474 past 30 days
194,451 past 90 days
Language: PT Português (Portuguese)
Twitch Status: Affiliate Affiliate
Account created: 3 years, 10 months ago (March 11, 2021)
Account anniversary in 36 days

Streaming Anniversary:
All my social links: Links
Last seen streaming: 21 minutes, 30 seconds ago

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Stream Today
Views: 61
Stream Uptime: 2.67 hours
Game: Call of Duty: Warzone
Stream Title: Amanheceeeeu,boraaa bater as metas🎇 !pix
Stream started: 2025-02-02T09:41:57Z

Recent Activity

2023-05-31 is now Twitch Affiliate
2023-04-17 changed his twitch login name from tgarbelotto


IG (instagram): @osgarbelotto

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The rank is based on viewer data from all streamers who were online during the time period and who meet the criteria for the ranking. The list spans from 1 to 200,000 and is updated daily.