Sarahtayy is a english speaking, Twitch Affiliate .
SarahTayy has reached 202 followers(202) so far. The Streamer introduces itself with „Hiya! I'm a weirdo, model, gamer, and entertainer. :) I mostly play xbox one, but will also play PS3 and 4, and PC some! I play Fallout and other Bethesda games, Halo, Borderlands, and Overwatch. I also play other games and am open to suggestions. Come watch! “ and does not belong to any team.
Updated December 19, 2024.
Language: English (English) Twitch Status: Affiliate Account created: 6 years, 8 months ago (April 12, 2018)
Account anniversary in 113 days
Streaming Anniversary: All my social links:Links Last seen streaming: 5 months, 1 day ago