Slapartist은(는) 영어 사용자입니다, Twitch 제휴사
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1.8 k 팔로워를 모았습니다
(1,762). 스트리머는
„Former college professor. Retro-variety affiliated Twitch streamer focusing on carts & discs only; no-emulation. Featured bassist on XBox 360 Rockband. Warped tour artist with Gym Class Heroes, Sum 41 and The Expendables. Partnered with Retro Game Collector App, Capcom Creators, and Gamer Goo.“로 자기 소개를 합니다, 그리고 %s 팀의 일원입니다
Capcom Creators.
업데이트됨 2월 2, 2025.